Product Details


Transparent and elastic resin. Used for food samples and figure dolls.

Product Category by Use by Function
Product Category
  • Polyurethane Elastomer
by Use
  • Food Samples
by Function
  • Non Yellowing
  • High Transparent



  • Two-component poTwo-component polyurethane resin products (liquid resin and liquid curing agent)
  • Excellent elasticity and transparency, with very little yellowing over time
  • Transparency enables coloring with dyes to produce products with design features
  • Excellent fluidity before curing, and can be used for various applications such as complex three-dimensional molding and embedding and fixing of parts
  • Can be cured at room temperature and used for heat-sensitive materials.

    by Use

  • Food samples
  • Handmade applications
  • Fixing of LED lighting, waterproofing, embedding and fixing of composite parts that need to be visible inside

Types of packaging

MU-650A : 5Kg
MU-650B : 1.5Kg

Instructions for Use

  1. Urethane resin foams due to moisture. Be careful of moisture while working.
  2. The ingredients may separate or the filler may settle. Stir well before use.
  3. Calculate the required main and hardening agents based on the mixing ratios listed in the product information.
  4. Measure the main agent and hardener into a polyethylene cup.Do not use paper cups because they contain water.
  5. Mix agent A and agent B well. Use a stirrer or spatula for mixing.
  6. When stirring, make sure to agitate the corners and bottom of the cup.
  7. Defoam the mixed liquid immediately after stirring. Insufficient defoaming may cause air bubbles.
  8. Pour or apply the mixture. The base material and case should be heated and dried sufficiently. Failure to do so may result in foaming.
  9. Curing should be done under the specified curing conditions.